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Welcome to UAG's invite-only product education program. In this interactive training, you will learn about UAG's core selling points, product features, and get an opportunity to try out a UAG product for yourself. Here you will learn unique features of UAG products while earning a free case for yourself. If you run into any problems with the program, please email: support@urbanarmorgear.com.


  • Step 1: Watch video

  • Step 2: Answer questions

  • Step 3: Check answers

    1. What statement best describes the general features of UAG mobile device cases? *

    a. Rugged protection

    b. Light-Weight Protection

    c. Drop-Tested Protection

    d. All of the Above

    2. What unique feature helps reduce weight on the Pathfinder Series? *

    a. Buttons with a distinctive "click"

    b. Honeycomb interior

    c. Side grips

    d. Skid pads

    3. What statement best described the drop test certification process? *

    a. Dropped from 2 feet (0.6 meters) 13 times onto hard surface without sustaining any damage to the phone

    b. Dropped from 2 feet (0.6 meters) 13 times onto hard surface without sustaining any damage to the phone

    c. Dropped from 4 feet (1.2 meters) 26 times onto hard surface without sustaining any damage to the phone

    d. Dropped from 100 feet onto a hard surface without sustaining any damage to the phone

    4. What statement best describes the protective features of the clear Plasma Series? *

    a. Clear hard armor shell, impact resistant rubber bumpers, interior shock cushions

    b. Clear hard armor shell, impact resistant rubber bumpers

    c. Clear hard armor shell, interior shock cushions

    d. Clear hard armor shell

    5. How many cards does the Trooper Series hold, thereby eliminating the need for a wallet? *

    a. 1 card

    b. 2 cards

    c. 3 cards

    d. 4 cards

    6. How many layers of protection does the premium Monarch Series offer? *

    a. 2 layers

    b. 3 layers

    c. 4 layers

    d. 5 layers

  • Step 4: Activate code

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